Wednesday, October 15, 2008

MBC End of Year Pressos

Hey guys

Well the season ended on a bit of a downer with the last comp being cancelled but hopefully the end of year pressos will help make up for it.

The presentations will be held on Sunday the 26th of October, so around 2 weeks from now at the beach front park at Madora at 11AM. We will put on a sausage sizzle and some drinks for you all and we will hand out all the prizes etc for the division winners plus a few extra prizes.

We have wiked sponsors this year such as Chad & Linz at EBB Mandurah, UNITE, No Friends, NOMAD and Dunes who have thrown in heaps of prizes.

So make sure you get down there and congratulate the winners.

Could you please email/call/sms/myspace me to let me know if you are coming so that we can cater for everyone.

Thanks guys


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

MBC Needs Your Help

WE NEED TO FIND SOME PEOPLE TO RUN THE CLUB NEXT YEAR. I cannot do it next year so we need to find a bunch of people who are willing to help out with the club, both with the admin stuff and also running the comp days.
If we cannot find anyone willing to do it, the club will fold. There are no other clubs in WA so that means no comps for you guys, anywhere, other than states.

So, get onto your parents, the best way would be to have a group of parents willing to do it, who could take it in turns running comp days and then come together to do the admin stuff.

Please contact me on OR if you are keen, if you know someone that may be or you have any questions.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

MBC Round 6, Final Round of 2008

The Final Round of the 2008 MBC Season will be going down this Saturday the 4th of October.
Get your $10 comp fee into EBB Mandurah by 5pm Friday arvo. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED
Meet @ EBB Mandurah carpark at 7AM Saturday morning, 7:30AM first heat in the water

This is the last round of the year and with all 3 Divisions being close this final round could decide the final placings in each Division.